Discover psychic secrets at The Real Unreal
The Real Unreal
Something inexplicable happened inside this house, something that opened portals to new realms and cosmic wonders beyond comprehension. We invite you to wander its rooms and piece together the story of the family who once lived here. Using the Psychic Sensor, you'll unlock echoes of the past, uncovering long-lost memories, dreams and more.
Download the app and begin your exploration

Expand Your Experience With the Psychic Sensor
When properly attuned, the Psychic Sensor can perceive memories, dreams and more. Use the Psychic Sensor during your visit to reveal unseen dimensions of story, character and artistry.
Set up your Sensor before you go:
- Download the Meow Wolf app
- Follow Alva's instructions to allow location and log into your account
- Find the app in your phone's settings and enable bluetooth
- During your visit, use the Psychic Sensor as you explore
- After your visit, view everything you collected
Got Questions?
Check out our FAQs for common answers, setup tips or to satisfy your curiosity.
Explore the Meow Wolf app